I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Toowong Cemetery

Daughter #1 is always keen to help me with my photography ideas, you may remember when she willing walked in the freezing waters at Gardeners Falls for the lady in the lake photos. Here Recently I have been toying with an dark morbid idea using a cemetery as the back drop.  I was after a dark fantasy look. I think I pulled it off.

I have been following the work of Brooke Shaden, http://shadenproductions.com/blog/ she does a lot of composite work with photoshop, I like the story telling of her work and wanted to try my own take. #1 and her BF are keen gamers and love the game of Thrones and Medieval stuff, I am sure they are going to love these photos. ***Although I  am not sure how HWMBO will like them*** (perhaps I won't show him)

The Toowong Cemetery is one of Brisbane's most historical cemeteries a lot of Queensland's governors and premiers buried here, the most notable grave in the Toowong Cemetery is  possibly that of Jack the Ripper. This is an extract from Wikipedia In August 2008 Toowong Cemetery made world news with the revelation that Jack the Ripper may well be buried there. According to Queensland Historians Jack Sim and Paul Tully, Walter Thomas Porriott was in the Whitechapel area of London at the time of the murders and later migrated to Australia. The headstone over his grave is only engraved with "Bessie - Died 25th June 1957 - And her Husband". 

I could have spent hours walking about the cemetery, looking at the different graves, the new and the old...although the old are much more interesting. I have another photo shoot planned for a cemetery so I might spend a bit of time on my own looking around for another site.

This was the first photo I took when I got out of the car, I love the light and colour of the weeds.

From this spot you can see the newer graves in the background, it was really quiet eerie...there was also a very strong smell of incense around the newer graves yet no evidence of it.

The lady in red 

HWMBO looking at the headstones

Behind the scenes a little help with the hood

The BF floating above the grave of Sir Anthony Musgrave Qld's 6th governor

This is the image I was after, again I am amazed that I can execute and idea and it work just as I picture it in my mind. Thank you #1 for being so patient and obliging 

I am looking forward to my next photography adventure....now I just need some ideas.

***Any ideas would be appreciated*** 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Musical Instruments

One of Daughter #2's friends is a very talented musician, before #2 left to go overseas she asked if I would take some photos of her instruments as she is looking for some artwork for her bedroom wall. It was her fathers suggestion that she take photos and get them printed on canvas.... Pommy Chick is a much better musician than photographer. Her exact words 'I am crap with photos'.

It is not as easy as it looks to get photos of musical instruments, PC's favorite is the french horn and this is a shiny brass instrument as is her trumpet and flute. My favorite was the violin...although she doesn't play it.

All the instruments that she wanted photos of....in the bright light of the window. There is many more instruments that she didn't even want photos of 

Her dog Rocky wanted to play with us, he was a poser

Her second favorite clarinet 


French Horn up close

French horn Pommy Chicks favorite instrument (at the moment) 


This Sax is in need of a bit of love and attention, PC saved it from being thrown out

It is very hard as a photographer to avoid a reflection in shiny objects...I did well on this one

My favorite the violin, when it is played well I could listen for hours.

Pommy Chick was asking #2 what wine i drank so she could give me something for my time, we refused to tell her. Pommy Chick will be repaying me by being a model for me some time soon. I have a location and an idea in mind for her.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Photoshop Police

Any one who reads my blog or follows me on Facebook or Flickr know that I love photoshop....I embraced photoshop as quickly and as passionately as I embraced photography. I love it. This is not going to be a post on Photoshop VS SOOC (straight out of camera), I see and understand both sides of the argument and strongly believe that there is no right or wrong way. 

I follow a lot of photographers on Facebook, amateur, professional and  everyone in between, I love looking at other peoples work and getting ideas and inspiration. I don't think there is ever a new idea, only different peoples interpretations. 

Today I am going to critique someone's work - I do not know this person, I do not follow her FB page (nor will I) she has close to 3000 likes for her page with lots of gushing comments. Her photos are very good however she has added a bird in all her outdoor photos, the same bird in every photo. The editing is not good that even (as hubby would say) blind Freddy can see the copy and paste halo. In my mind she has distracted from good work not added to it. 

If she was a friend or one of my photography comunity I would comment on her page about such an obvious PS mistake - the halo not the bird, as she is not I would normally pass right by these images with a smug smile knowing I am better that that....then I read the description on one of the images. There will always be something I love about maternity sessions... and then there's that awesome moment when a bird flies into the shot... Seriously who are her clients

BTW she offers posing and Photoshop tutorials for $900 per day!

I get the whole add something to make it photo your own, like a trademark. I know of people who will photoshop a fly or a flower somewhere on all their photos so even if the watermark is removed there is an identifying mark on all the images they produce.  These marks are subtle and often hard to find. 

These are a few PS fails I found on the internet today....so many to choose from so little time

Lost - most of my horse....

The famous office chair in front of the Eiffel Tower - I wonder if #2 had this photo opportunity 

All the tutorials I have watched has been very clear about avoiding repeating patterns - I guess repeating people are OK....I wonder what was there in the original.

I know I am not perfect and have made some pretty fake PS photos, I was going to show them here only I have not saved them. I am getting better at seeing my mistakes before I publish anything... and I have a very good family who let me know what they think of my finished work. The good the bad and the ugly.

I don't know why this upset me so much today....I guess I never will know. It just did.

(perhaps it is the guilt of not finishing my latest edits....perhaps it is envy for all the likes on her page...maybe I am just a bitter old lady with too much time spent on FB.....)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Too much to do not enough time

I have had so many photo shoots in the past few weeks I have not had time to edit my photos... this is a problem I am very happy about. I have found that I usually get  edit a few photos as soon as I can, then never go back. Last week I decided I need to finish one set of photos before I work on another. Even if it takes me a few days....weeks.

I completed another goal of creating my Facebook site and registering for a Domain name. I am now www.rozbannanphotography.com. I need to build the website....after I finish HWMBO's (for the record I have done 4 pages for him and I have set aside all day Saturday to work on it. The sooner his is complete the sooner I can work on mine) My Facebook page is Roz Bannan Photography,https://www.facebook.com/RozBannanPhotography?ref=hlI was so thrilled to get 50 likes on the first day...of course it has slowed down since, all in good time. 

I often say I am distracted by shiny objects and will often find ways to avoid doing the job at hand, this weekend I thought I would get my photo for the Flickr challenge done, this month themes are Toys and Winter Up Close. With a $10 budget I hit Kmart looking for the perfect toy, I got 2, a dragon from a game called Skylander and a Ballerina doll.

I still did not have a plan as to how to photograph the toys or even if I used them together, HWMBO came suggested I use the doll as a pole dance.... 20 mins later he made me a dancing pole. As this the Flickr group is a diverse range of people, some young and some old I thought I better keep it a bit PG, so he made a balance bar as well. After  editing a few different poses with the doll I went the the family for their favorite. As normal no-one could agree and the best one for the competition, I made a collage of the three most popular.
It was a fun afternoon and NOT what I had planned.
The secret life of toys

I felt this guy was lacking something so didn't even consider him for the comp

The only other photos I have to share this post, is a red belly black snake. I love snakes and will always take the opportunity to handle them if I can. This snake is deadly...I was glad I have the zoom lens and even then I was shaking. I emailed these photos to the Sunshine Coast City Council and was very please to be asked if they can display them and use for educational purposes at the park. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Swisse Color Run

The happiest run on the planet, this is how this event was sold to the public, my Niece (related by friendship not by blood) told me all about this event, it sounded like a great photo opportunity and it was. The first date for this event was cancelled - lucky for me because it was a day that I was not able to make it.

This run is sponsored by Swisse and was every bit as fun and colourful as all the advertising, the rules were very strict *** insert tongue firmly in cheek*** this is my favorite bit from the FAQs 

How strict is the “white clothing dress code” for the start of the event?
We will have white clothing police inspectors located throughout the event.  You will be arrested and put in The Color Run™ jail if more than 11.8% of your clothing is a hue other than white.
Were you kidding about the question above?
Yes we were.  As long as runners wear shirts that are mostly white, you are totally good.  They can include team logos and any other image you see fit.  Shorts/pants don’t need to be white, especially if it’s after labor day.  To the point… It is really just more fun to run starting in white and ending, well…. COLORIFFIC !!!!!
How is the color administered?  Will I be hurt, maimed, or killed?
Ha ha ha! we love this one.  No, it doesn’t hurt at all.  It is like getting into a powdered sugar food fight.
You are sure??? Teenagers with paint ball guns are not involved at any point?
Yes. We are 100% sure.
Daughter #3 and I went only to take photos, we were not participating...this did not stop the crowd from sharing the love of colour, my camera and I were covered by the time we left, a few friends offered concern for my camera....apparently bad thing can happen if you get dust on your sensor DUH...I didn't change my lens at all and avoided it when possible. A wipe with the inside of my shirt every so often kept the lens and LCD screen clean. 

 not on the camera OK....

The crowd

Everyone had a huge smile at the end of the day....how could you not be happy on a day like this

sharing the love, with clean spectators.
Not so clean now
exhausted after a big day

I can't wait until next year, I will 'run' and not take my camera. (or maybe just a point and shoot camera, I will need to record the event). There is already dates planned for Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast for 2014. I 


Thursday, 6 June 2013

Busy few weeks

Wow doesn't time fly when you are busy, every day I have said I would catch up on my editing, website building and blogging....and every day I have had something else to do. I have been busy at home, busy with photos and supper busy at work. Lucky for me June is a reasonably quiet month at work so I will have more time for the things I enjoy.

#2 is much happier with her travels after the phone incident in Paris, http://rozzy35.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/the-big-adventure.html she has been making friends around Europe and is now spending her last week of travel in Spain. I think my baby girl has grown up a lot in the last few weeks. The photo a day challenge for her stopped when she lost her phone. I have had to be happy with messages on Facebook and a few Skype dates. She is happy and having the time of her life, that is all a mother can ask for.

While #2 Daughter has been gallivanting around the world her friends have been playing with me. I wanted a young pretty girl for a shadow photo - a challenge for our Flickr group. Luckily the friend had a lace parasol that creates beautiful shadows, I was going to use a clear umbrella with hearts on it, the parasol worked so much better. This image won the challenge.

Winner - shadow like a mask

Hiding from the camera

I had been trying for months to get #2 to pose for a few photo ideas before she went OS....she always had an excuse not to come with me, so I asked A to pose at the graffiti wall. 

I need to work on my posing a bit, I am not sure how to direct friends to do what I want and still remain natural... it is all learning 

The other idea I had was a story...Genie in a bottle. Another one of #2's friends helped with this idea. I love when a plan turns out exactly like I imagine. 

I have not finished with these photos, I still have the story line to create.

The costume is mine from my belly dancing days, the wings are my favorite prop. Neek loved running around the beach with them, regardless that it was freezing. 

More photos to come in my next entry...I also have a lot of planned shoots for the next few weeks. Maybe I will start getting paid soon....maybe I need to get the website built....maybe I better get on with it now. maybe maybe maybe............later.