I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Tired...oh so tired

Today I am so tired I can hardly think straight, is it such a good idea to write...please forgive rambling, mistakes and typos. I am on leave for 3 weeks from Wednesday and my mind has started to go into holiday mode, which is hard because I have some big days at work to get through.

Yesterday was a 15 hour day for a medical conference, hard day, nice people, they feed me and give me chocolate. Today is a Student Church group they are also very nice (some would say too nice... seriously who is this happy at 6 am on a Sunday) but they are loud. 
I am not a religious person, I have been to church a few times as a child and for weddings, funerals and christenings. I don't remember there being rock bands at any of the church services I attended. What's with that?

I think I have worked out why I put off by this group, not the noise (I might just be old) it is that a lot of them have invited me to join them today and listen to the word of GOD. I smile and say thanks, but no thanks, a group of them gave me a sermon on why I should join in their prayers and songs. This is exactly what I don't like about organized religious groups, they all feel the need to convert you.  I believe in fate and a higher power, I believe what goes around comes around and I believe you get what you give. These students are passionate and full of love I admire that but please go away and let me 'work'.

I am working on photos from a shoot I did with #2 daughters friend and her boyfriend. I had trouble finding a good location for this idea as the places I liked most were private property. We ended up at a look out on the Landsborough Maleny Road, there was road works on this stretch of road so we had an audience most of the time. The police (after booking someone) sat in their car and watched the whole session. I did wonder if they thought I might make the kids jump over the edge for a 'good' photo. HE HE

Behind the scenes out take 

 Falling Angel

At the risk of over talking about it, my kit kat lasagna recipe had been stolen and used on another website, I don't have a problem with someone using the recipe or even my photo, however I do have a problem with the fact they have copied and pasted my words and my photos. I sent an email to the lady asking her to take it down or remove my photos. No response yet.  I guess there is nothing I can really do if she won't. I found my photo on a few web pages doing a Google picture search, a lot of them were linked back to my blog (which explains how it went viral) I will probably do nothing....after all is imitation the highest form of flattery. (Although I am not sure about plagiarism)
 Edit.... the post was deleted with apologies :)

Have a great week

Thursday, 10 October 2013

A donation to diabetes

As mentioned in my last post, my Kit Kat Lasagna blog has gone viral, I can use that term now because my picture was found on a random Facebook page. Their post had been shared 81 times and there was hundreds of likes. Should I be worried that my picture has be 'stolen'? I am not, I am flattered that so many have seen and enjoyed my post...I laugh at the comments about diabetic comas and sugar overdoes, I mean seriously who would eat more than a small piece.

This is the Facebook post.

At the risk of everyone thinking we are a sugar addicted family I am going to share #1 daughter's post about the lolly bag cake she made for   #3 Daughter's birthday in June. This cake was so awesome and sweet, it was funny how all the flavors sound so gross yet work so well together.


I have been busy the last two weekends with groups of fellow photographers, there was a macro day with my flickr group at Ewan Maddock Wetlands, this was a learning day for me as I picked up the macro lens only a few hours before we met so it was learning on fly. I know this form of photography will take a lot of practice before I am happy with my results. It is a good thing I like to practice.

I have recently joined a group of photographers on the Sunshine Coast - Artists Behind Cameras, it is similar to a camera club, with out all the rules, committees and BS. It is a group of like minded people who meet once a month and share pictures, ideas and arrange outings. I have only been to one meeting and one outing and they seem like a good bunch of people. Last Saturday #3 Daughter and I joined them on the 6th Annual Scott Kelby World Wide Photo Walk. Details here


Our walk was around Maleny, this is a small country town in the Sunshine Coast Hinterlands. I spend a bit of time in this town so it was not very appealing to me... I joined in the fun and helped #3 with her settings and composition. I took a few photos I was happy with and even entered one into the competition. Chances of winning.....slim and none. It was a fun day, I look forward to more outings.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

My Amazement

I came here today to tell you about the lovely lady who asked me to photograph a painting she wants to sell. What was a 5 min job lasted over an hour as I listened to her stories, she worked in Canberra during the Hawk and Keating years of Parliament. She work in the trade department with 39 men, I was in fits of laughter at some of the stories. I don't think they will translate the same if I was to retell them. 
Mary spent her money on fine art and paintings when she was young and full of fun ***her words*** she didn't smoke and when she went out there was plenty of men to buy her dinner and drinks. As she has gotten older she wants to pack her belongings into a suitcase and travel where the wind blows....it is a foolish woman's dream she told me, she is looking after her elderly mother. However she will be ready to leave when the time is right.

Painting by Geoffrey Proud 1982 

My amazement however is not about the lady or the painting but this very blog. This morning when checking my emails I noticed that there was a conversation on my Kit Kat Lasagna post from last November. There was a lot of overnight activity from America, so I checked the stats on this post.


I was gobsmacked to find there was over 20,000 views holly doolly that's more than the rest of my posts put together. I use facebook all the time and blog, I have a twitter account I rarely use, I have posted on video on Youtube so I checked the views on that too....over 1000 Oh Myyy


Today I am very happy to be  out in the world wide web, to make new friends that I may never meet.

I needed some good in my day. Thank you