I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Me and my camera

Nearly 2 years ago the business needed a new computer (actually the business needed a new computer about 3 years ago), early one Sunday morning HWMBO and I went to Harvey Norman to get a PC,. As luck would have it HN were offering free gifts when you brought with flexirent. A HD video camera, a DS game thingy or a DSLR….OMG I have always, always wanted a good camera and here was the chance to get one for free…...we only needed to spend a few more dollars on the flexirent plan, it didn’t take much to convince HWMBO that we needed a new printer as well.
Canon 1000D - first camera, very basic. Very good beginers camera.

The camera was a Canon 1000D and I thought it was the best…only trouble how to use it. I read the manual (yes this is possible to do) but that only confused me, so I turned the camera to the button that said automatic and that was it. Soon came the question asked every year, “What do you want for Christmas?” this year I was prepared – “I want to learn how to use the camera properly”.  I stalked a few photography courses on the Sunshine Coast, signing on for emails and updates finally settling on one run in Maleny.
What a weekend, I learnt so much, my tiny brain struggled to grasp it all, shutter speeds, aperture, DFO, small number means wider open, high number faster speed, ghosts OMG how was I going to remember any of it….Easy - DO IT!

I have since met some great people who like me were total beginners before Andrew’s course, we have coffee and go on photo outings, it was not long before I realised my ‘free’ camera was very basic and could not achieve all I wanted. I needed more from my camera, so after a lot of research and a nice payment from work I bought a Canon 5D Mark 11, the best way to describe the difference in cameras is like driving a Mazda  then upgrading to a Ferrari (not that I have ever driven a Ferrari – it is like I imagine it to be)
Canon 5D Mark 11 - Ok the Mark 111 is available at the moment and I tossed up for weeks as to which one to get, the need for lenses won the arguement. Not worth spending an extra $1500 for a camera and not having a lens for it.

I have give the 1000D to daughter # 3 hoping I will always have a photography buddy, **not sure how long this will last, she is a teenager after all** We have had one outing together, I am yet to see her results, mine are pretty amazing (if I do say so myself).

Today I am going to share some photos taken with the 1000D and a few with the 5D Mark11.



This scruffy guy was stalking fishermen at Bullcock Beach Caloundra, he looks like a gargoyle!
HWMBO and I celebrated out 21 wedding anniversary at Kenilworth, foggy mornings and beautiful days, it was a perfect weekend - pre blog... This was taken with the 1000D

Bribie Island sunset over the Glasshouse Mountains, my first outing with the new camera - #3 came out to play with me

June Challenge for out Flickr group - a moving object taken at 1/6  second. One of my friends had an amazing train shot with the movement and a model looking on....but she uses a Nikon....and took the photo at  6 seconds.  I didn't enter this one in the challenge....now she wants to wallop me.

What do you do with 6 x 14 year old girls on a rainy sleepover? You give them fire!
This is burning steel (wire) wool stuffed in to a kitchen whisk and spun around. The girls loved it, I got some good photos....sleepover a sucess!

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