I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Feeling BLAH

I am really not in the mood to write anything this week; I have finally succumbed to the dreaded cold/flu/virus that has been going around. I am not able to take time of work to rest and recover for 2 reasons.

  1. I am going away this weekend, whale watching. If I even look like being sick HWMBO would tell me not too. (Especially as I start work at 6am then drive for 4 hours for a BBQ the night before the whales
  2. The Boss has family commitments for the next 10 days and he can’t work mornings or nights or weekends…I would be ok with this if it didn’t happen all the bloody time. His wife is away and it is not convenient for me to have 2 days off…(I won this argument).

I did get my news lens…on Sunday a Sigma 150 – 500mm, Fuck it is heavy…I got a monopod and will have to get a lot of practise to get as good as some of the members in our group – I also think because I don’t like to heavily crop my photos I am trashing a lot more than I should…all in good time.

I went to one of Kitfox’s favourite locations Monday morning before work, I was hoping for a kingfisher and I was in luck, I also got a few little red brow finches. I was ready to pack up and call it a day when Kitfox arrived and took me to a secret (on private property) location to watch the kites and hawks in the cane fields – the cane has just been burnt so the vermin are easy prey. I didn’t get a clear shot of any of the raptors and being my biggest critic I don’t want to show pictures that I think are crap.

Tuesday was a day spent at Caloundra with another Jpeg – a Nikon user. We had a nice lunch and spent most of the afternoon sitting on the rocks taking photos of some cormorants while waiting for the nesting Osprey to fly. The best photo I got that day was of a fisherman… and I haven't even processed it yet. Plenty of practise is needed. I may not even use the big lens for the whales. 

The eyes aren't clear and this is a heavy crop...I am thinking maybe I will do a triptych with the comings and goings of these cormorats

I was a bit of a show off at work last Saturday, I asked if I could take a photo for my photo of a day challenge, then spent the best part of the day taking photos of the kids and the robots. I sent a contact sheet of the photos to the organisers to see if they wanted one or two….NO they wanted the whole lot and permission to use on the website. YEAH I will keep and eye on their website for my glory.



For some one who didn’t have anything to say I have managed to say quite a bit. Looking forward to seeing the mighty mammals of the sea on Sunday, while I would like a good photo, I will be happy to see a whale or two apparently they are awesome.

First time I picked up the new lens I took a photo of Compost (our cat) on the other side of the yard, I have also tried a new processing technique on him.

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