I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Monday, 9 December 2013

More of my Darwin Trip

I should never finish a blog post with 'I will add more tomorrow' I have been so busy, I have not had time to edit photos or even sort through them,

I will be adding my photos to a set on my Flickr page, anyone can go and have a look at them here

These are not my photos; some of me taken on the Darwin tour, the rest are of the group I got to know very well after 8 days together.

I have been busy with work and family since my return from holidays, Christmas is sneaking up on my too, I decided to take stock and work out a plan of attack. I was going to be the aggressor, I will get this Christmas stuff under my control. I started by getting out all the gifts I have already brought to wrap and place under the tree, I was surprised at how much I have done. 

I have not shopped for gifts or gone Christmas shopping, I have brought a few things when I have seen something that is 'just right'. I must have had a lot of those 'just right' moments. I only have 2 gifts to buy ***plus the mandatory socks and undies for my girls*** then I am done.

I have the family lunch under control, everyone knows what to bring and how much to bring.

I am looking forward to a peaceful day with most of the family and our very close friends. Lots of food and plenty to drink.

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