I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia – according to ME. I have a job I love (most of the time), 3 beautiful girls, who are old enough now to be independent…but still need their Mummy. #1 is nearly 21, lives with BF, #2 is nearly 18, saving hard for a gap year in the UK and # 3 is 14, loves One Direction and the Hunger Games. Hubby and I have been married 21 years and I don’t know what I would do with out him.

I spend far too much time on the computer – often pretending to work, so when all my words with friend’s games are played and the gossip and news of the world read, I will BLOG.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Photo photos and website

I have been a very busy and important photographer lately (I might have made the bit up about important....but I have been busy)

Every month I have to have photos to display in the Beerwah library and being the control freak I am I nearly always want to go out and take new photos for each month...then I freak out about getting them printed and framed  During the planning meetingd when we decide what the theme is I try and think what I have in my portfolio agree that I have something suitable - then try for something different.

June the theme is Australia - easy peasy I have heaps....but what do I do I go looking for something more. Lucky I saw a koala in the wild only the second time since I got my camera....both times I was lucky enough to have the camera with me. 

These are the images I have on display this month.

Huntsman spider

Summer days at the beach

Sunburnt county



Earlier this year a storm was heading towards Glasshouse, after my successful lightning shots late last year I headed out to a lookout in hope of more lightning from a different angle....no lightning just a huge rain and wind storm this is a shot I got before the rain came, 5 minutes later the mountains were not visible.  I got very wet as I bunkered down to wait out the rain. #1 was with me and thought it was a great adventure.

This image will be one of 12 in the Glasshouse Mountains Rotary Calendar for 2015, my prize = 400 6x4 prints from Australia Zoo (I am not sure I am going to collect these - unless the prints are mine printed for me, seriously who gives photos as a prize to photographers?)

I 'borrowed' an idea from a fellow photographer and brought a crystal sphyre to use in some of my photos, I am very happy with the result and will play with it a bit more, these photos are getting very positive reviews with others now asking me where to get the balls from. ***BTW eBay for under $10 for 60mm dia***

flowers in the garden

Noosa Beach

A lesson to be learned here, do not put the ball on a plastic tripod, it acts like a big magnifying glass and will burn....it took me a while to work out where the smoke was coming from. 

Be nice to your friends


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